Trained artist and non-musician Ronnie Sundin was once heralded “Sweden’s most silent man” by now defunct fanzine Fat Bankroll. At the time, more than half a decade ago, Sundin''s recordings bordered on the levels of audible – quiet compositions and intricate structures, as if intended to challenge the listeners’ perceptions of hearing/not hearing. By releasing “Seven Year Silence” Sundin announces his departure from the realms of silence, and from a shorter hiatus, with an intelligent noise freak-out of massive proportions. This brand new recording impresses with an innovative take on noise, an immensely deep and detailed interpretation that, just possibly, could help redefine parts of the genre. The recordings on "Seven Year Silence" are assembled from piles of rediscovered mini-discs from 2001-2007, thereby also proving that there has been activities of a harsher nature ongoing throughout the quiet years. A Swedish music journalist remarked that the music on Sundin''s "Morphei", released by Häpna in 2002, was barely communicating at all, that it was staying inside its own little bubble. Well... that was then. This is the sound of the bubble bursting baby, so hold on to your hat and enjoy the ride! CD. Oversized booklet with drawings by RS. TRACKLIST Part 1 (19:21) Part 2 (18:40)