CDM - QUASIMODO JONES feat. Håkan Lidbo - ROCK N ROLL DREAM 5 tracks + video

QJ och Håkan Lidbo join forces and out comes ard punky guitars over pumping electronic background. 5 tracks in the borderline of Neue Deutsche welle and industrial metal with some techno flavours as well. Including remix of Beate Bartel of Liaisons Dangereuses fame.

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45 SEK
Artist QUASIMODO JONES feat. Håkan Lidbo 2 Releasedatum2005-11-01 LagerstatusFinns i lager Leveranstid1 - 3 dagar Art nr66938 VarugruppCD/DVD FormatCDM KatalognummerLOBOTOM13 SkivbolagLobotom 12 GenreMinimalistic / Oldschool / NDW 225 SkickNy, ospelad